
中華民國國防部 國防法規資料庫


英譯法規 (ENGLISH)

Title: Organization Regulations of the Marine Corps School (2007 . 01 . 19 Amended) Chinese

1.Enacted and Promulgated by Ministry of National Defense on June 20th, 2001;The Regulations will be put into practice from the date of promulgation.

2.Article 2,5,6,7,10 and table of organization were amended and promulgated by Ministry of National Defense on January 19th, 2007.

Article 1
The Regulations are established in accordance with Code 1, Rule 19, Military Education Act.

Article 2
The Marine Corps School, hereinafter “the M.C.S.”, is a subordinate organization of the MND and under the Navy Headquarter.

Article 3
The M.C.S. aims at cultivate Marine Corps officers and noncommissioned officers.

Article 4
The M.C.S., based on its characteristics and developing directions, builds up the continuing education.

Article 5
The administrative units of the M.C.S. consist the following subordinate divisions ,and can also set the sub-sections for assistance of the following administrative matters:
(1) Academic Affair Division: responsible for recruitment, enrollment, curriculum, teaching materials, student logs, and other school affairs.
(2) Student Affair Division: responsible for student psychology and living consulting, medical and health care, extra curriculum activities, patriotic education, counseling services, military discipline and ethics, and military security.
(3) General Affair Division: responsible for official document administration, personnel, logistics, construction, and other general affairs.
(4) Information Simulation Center: responsible for information, communication, electronics, simulator training as well as other communication electronic and information affairs.
(5) Comptroller Office: responsible for budgeting accounting, statistics and other comptroller affairs.
(6) Chief of Instructor Office: responsible for organizing and conducting the courses of military training and physical tactics.
For the needs of research and develop, the M.C.S. has to report to the MND in order to adjust or add other necessary divisions.

Article 6
The M.C.S. consists of Student Brigade and H&S Company.

Article 7
The Commander of the M.C.S., holding the rank of Major General, administers the overall affairs. The executive director of general education and Chief of political warfare officer, both with the rank of Colonel, assist the Commander by dealing with academic affairs in respective fields.

Article 8
The M.C.S. is staffed a Chief-Instructor, Directors, Student Regimental Commander, Section Chiefs, Director, Student Group Commanders, Deputy Directors, Instructors, Staffs, Company Commanders, Student Squadron Commanders, Chief Counselors, Executive Officer, Medical Officer, Squad Leaders, and leaders.

Article 9
The positions enumerated in this Organization Regulations illustrates in the organizational chart with their quantities.

Article 10
No longer employ more civilian employees after Jan. 19 2007, the civilian employees who were hired before Jan. 19 2007, may continue working until leave one’s job.

Article 11
The Regulations will be put into practice from the date of promulgation.