
中華民國國防部 國防法規資料庫


英譯法規 (ENGLISH)

中 文 法 規 ENGLISH
1國防部組織法 (110.06.09)Organization Act of the Ministry of National Defense (2021.06.09)
2國防法 (101.06.06)National Defense Act (2012.06.06)
3國防部全民防衛動員署組織法 (110.06.09)Organization Act of the All-out Defense Mobilization Agency of the Ministry of National Defense (2021.06.09)
4國防部參謀本部組織法 (110.06.09)Organization Law of the General Staff Headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense (2021.06.09)
5國防部政治作戰局組織法 (101.12.12)Ministry of Defense Political Warfare Bureau Organization Act (2012.12.12)
6國防部軍備局組織法 (101.12.12)Organization Act of the Armaments Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense (2012.12.12)
7國防部主計局組織法 (101.12.12)Organization Act of the Comptroller Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense (2012.12.12)
8國防部軍醫局組織法 (101.12.12)Organization Act of the Medical Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense (2012.12.12)
9陸海空軍懲罰法 (113.08.07)Armed Forces Disciplinary Punishment Act (2024.08.07)
10軍人權益事件處理法 (113.08.07)The Servicemember Relief Act (2024.08.07)
11兵役法 (112.05.03)Act of Military Service System (2023.05.03)
12兵役法施行法 (109.05.13)The Enforcement Act of Act of Military Service System (2020.05.13)
13全民防衛動員準備法 (108.06.19)All-out Defense Mobilization Readiness Act (2019.06.19)
14要塞堡壘地帶法 (091.04.17)Vital Area Regulations (2002.04.17)
15全民國防教育法 (094.02.02)All-Out Defense Education Act (2005.02.02)
16陸海空軍刑法 (112.12.27)Criminal Code of the Armed Forces (2023.12.27)
17軍事審判法 (108.04.03)Military trial (2019.04.03)
18軍事審判法施行法 (088.10.02)The Enforcement Rules of Military Justice Law (1999.10.02)
19國家中山科學研究院設置條例 (110.05.28)Act of the National Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology established (2021.05.28)
20陸海空軍軍官士官任官條例 (108.12.04)Act of Commission for Officers and Noncommissioned Officers of the Armed Forces (2019.12.04)
21陸海空軍軍官士官任職條例 (111.06.15)Act of Assignment for Officers And Noncommissioned Officers of the Armed Force (2022.06.15)
22陸海空軍軍官士官考績條例 (108.12.04)Act of Merit for Officers and Noncommissioned Officers of the Armed Forces (2019.12.04)
23陸海空軍勳賞條例 (111.05.18)Arm Forces Decoration Act (2022.05.18)
24陸海空軍獎勵條例 (096.07.04)Act of Medal of Honor of the Armed Forces (2007.07.04)
25軍人待遇條例 (097.01.16)Pay Act of the Armed Forces (2008.01.16)
26義務役服役期間提繳退休金條例 (112.11.29)The Act on Pension Contributions for Persons during Rendering to Conscripted Military Service (2023.11.29)
27陸海空軍軍官士官服役條例 (111.01.19)Act of Military Service for Officers and Non-commissioned Officers of the Armed Forces (2022.01.19)
28志願士兵服役條例 (111.01.19)Act of Military Service for Volunteer Enlisted Soldiers (2022.01.19)
29軍人保險條例 (111.01.19)Act of Insurance for Military Personnel (2022.01.19)
30軍人撫卹條例 (112.06.09)Indemnities Act for Military Personnel (2023.06.09)
31陸海空軍軍旗條例 (111.05.18)Act of Ensign of the Armed Forces (2022.05.18)
32陸海空軍服制條例 (111.01.05)Armed Forces Uniforms Act (2022.01.05)
33國軍軍事勤務致人民傷亡損害補償條例 (108.06.19)Regulations on Compensation for Civilian Casualties Or Damages Caused by Military Activities (2019.06.19)
34軍事教育條例 (105.11.09)Act of Military Education (2016.11.09)
35海空戰力提升計畫採購特別條例 (110.11.23)Sea-Air Combat Power Improvement Plan Purchase Special Regulation (2021.11.23)
36殺傷性地雷管制條例 (108.06.19)Regulations governing casualty mines (2019.06.19)
37軍事營區安全維護條例 (113.01.03)Military Installation Safety Protection Act (2024.01.03)
38國防工業發展基金設置條例 (095.12.27)Establishment Act of National Defense Industry Development Fund (1979.01.26)
39國防產業發展條例 (111.11.30)Defense Industry Development Act (2022.11.30)
40妨害兵役治罪條例 (111.05.18)Punishment Act for Violation to Military Service System (2022.05.18)
41戰時禁制品條例 (044.06.03)The Act of Wartime Contraband (1955.06.03)
42戒嚴時期不當叛亂暨匪諜審判案件補償條例 (095.12.18)Compensation Act for Wrongful Trials on Charges of Sedition and Espionage during the Martial Law Period (2006.12.18)
43國軍老舊眷村改建條例 (109.05.13)Act for Rebuilding Old Quarters for Military Dependents (2020.05.13)
44軍事情報學校組織規程 (112.01.10)Regulations of Organization Of Military Intelligence School (2023.01.10)
45國防部陸軍司令部組織規程 (101.12.30)Organization Regulation for the Army Headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense (2012.12.30)
46陸軍專科學校組織規程 (106.10.27)Organization Regulations of the Army Junior College (2017.10.27)
47陸軍軍官學校組織規程 (106.05.12)Organization Regulations of the Military Academy (2017.05.12)
48國防部海軍司令部組織規程 (101.12.30)Organization Regulations of the Navy Command Headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense (2012.12.30)
49海軍技術學校組織規程 (097.02.12)Organization Regulations of the Navy Technical School (2008.02.12)
50海軍陸戰隊學校組織規程 (096.01.19)Organization Regulations of the Marine Corps School (2007.01.19)
51海軍軍官學校組織規程 (109.03.23)Organizational Regulations of the R.O.C. Naval Academy (2020.03.23)
52國防部空軍司令部組織規程 (101.12.30)The Organizational Regulations of the Air Force Headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense (2012.12.30)
53空軍軍官學校組織規程 (112.11.21)Organizational Regulations of the Air Force Academy (2023.11.21)
54空軍航空技術學院組織規程 (110.06.17)Organization Regulations of the Air Force Institute of Technology (2007.02.14)
55國防大學組織規程 (110.12.02)Organization Regulations of the National Defense University (2021.12.02)
56中正國防幹部預備學校組織規程 (109.01.20)The Organization Regulations of the Chung Cheng Armed Forces Preparatory School (2020.01.20)
57國軍老舊眷村改建條例施行細則 (106.05.18)Enforcement Rules of the Act for Rebuilding Old Quarters for Military Dependents (2017.05.18)
58軍事機密與國防秘密種類範圍等級劃分準則 (092.07.14)The Guideline for categories, scopes and levels of military secrets and defense secrets (2003.07.14)
59國防部及所屬機關提供政府資訊收費標準 (095.06.14)The Fee Standard for Requesting the Ministry of National Defense and its Subordinate Agencies to Provide Government Information (2006.06.14)
60國軍官兵死亡殮葬補助費給與標準 (102.06.05)Standards of Funeral and Burial Subsidy for Military Personnel (2013.06.05)
61戒嚴時期不當叛亂暨匪諜審判案件受裁判者補償金核發標準 (095.02.21)Standards for Granting Convicts Compensation in Wrongful Trials on Charges of Sedition and Espionage during the Martial Law Period (2006.02.21)
62從事及參與國防安全事務人員安全調查辦法 (104.04.02)The Regulations of Personnel Security Investigation for Participants in the National Defense Security Program (2015.04.02)
63防空演習實施辦法 (097.10.21)The Implementing Regulation on Air-raid Practice (2008.10.21)
64國防工業生產轉換演習實施辦法 (091.08.07)The Implementing Regulation on Production Switching Practice for Defense Industry (2002.08.07)
65國軍隨營補習及進修教育實施辦法 (091.12.31)National Armed Forces' Taking Lessons in camp and Advanced Study Execution Regulations (2001.10.24)
66國防部科技工業機構產品銷售辦法 (090.12.28)Regulations of Products selling by National Defense Technology Institutions (2001.12.28)
67國防部科技工業機構委託民間經營管理辦法 (105.11.04)Regulations of the Operation and Management of National Defense Technology Institutions by Private Entities (2016.11.04)
68國防部科技工業機構與法人團體從事研發產製維修辦法 (112.05.08)Regulations for the Cooperation between National Defense Technology Institutions and Private Entities for Research, Development, Production, Manufacture and Maintenance (2023.05.08)
69軍事機關運作毒性及關注化學物質管理辦法 (109.05.07)Regulations Governing the Handling of Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances by Military Agencies (2020.05.07)
70政府使用及剷除殺傷性地雷補償辦法 (108.09.30)Regulations Governing Compensation for Damages Caused by Governmental Usage and Clearance of Casualty Mines (2019.09.30)
71佈雷區域殺傷性地雷剷除辦法 (097.01.18)Regulations Governing Casualty Mine Clearance in Minefield (2008.01.18)
72現役軍人自衛槍枝管理辦法 (102.03.25)Firearms Management Regulations for Self-Defense of Servicemen (2013.03.25)
73列管軍品技術文書圖表輸出管理辦法 (109.09.01)Regulations Governing Export of Regulated Military Materials or Techniques Documents or Diagrams (2020.09.01)
74國軍老舊眷村改建基金收支保管及運用辦法 (103.06.10)Regulations for Managing and Using the Fund of Rebuilding Old Quarters for Military Dependents (2002.02.27)
75國軍生產及服務作業基金收支保管及運用辦法 (112.03.14)Regulations of Managing and Using the Fund of Production and Services for Military Personnel (2023.03.14)
76軍法機關辦理涉及國家機密案件保密作業辦法 (096.12.19)Regulations Governing Classification Process on Cases Involving National Confidentiality Conducted by Military Justice Agency (2003.08.15)
77戒嚴時期不當叛亂暨匪諜審判案件受裁判者補償金申請認定及發放辦法 (092.08.07)Regulations for Application, Identification, and Grant of Compensation for Convicts in Wrongful Trials on Charges of Sedition and Espionage during the Martial Law Period (2003.08.07)
78國軍官兵作戰或因公失蹤被俘人員家屬待遇處理辦法 (111.09.23)Regulations Governing Treatment to the Family of Military Servicemen Missing or Captured as a Prison of War (2002.02.27)
79國軍老舊眷村及不適用營地之國有土地標售或處分辦法 (103.01.22)Regulations Governing Disposal and Sales through Open Tender of the Old Quarters for Military Dependents and National Land Not Fitting the Used of Military Camps (2014.01.22)
80國軍老舊眷村改建配售坪型辦法 (086.09.10)Regulations Governing the Types & Sizes of Buildings Innovated from Old Quarters for Military Dependents (1997.09.10)
81獎勵民間參與國軍老舊眷村改建投資興建住宅社區辦法 (102.03.28)Regulations for Encouragement to Private Sector to Participate in Buildings Innovated from Old Quarters for Military Dependents and to Invest in Construction of Living Communities (1998.10.12)
82獎勵檢舉拉法葉艦採購佣金案實施要點(94.11.09訂定) (094.11.09)The Guidelines On Rewards For Informants Of La Fayette Frigate Procurement Commission Corruption (2005.11.09)
83廠商產品推介及國外廠商在臺代理作業要點 (111.02.11)The Administrative Guidelines of Applying for Product/Services Promotion/Introduction and Registration Procedures for in-country Agents/Representatives of Foreign Companies (2022.02.11)
84廢國防部參謀本部組織條例 (103.01.29)stopOrganization Act of the General Staff Headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense (2014.01.29)
85廢國防部總政治作戰局組織條例 (103.01.29)stopOrganization Act of the General Political Warfare Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense (2014.01.29)
86廢國防部軍備局組織條例 (103.01.29)stopOrganization Act of the Armaments Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense (2014.01.29)
87廢國防部主計局組織條例 (103.01.29)stopOrganization Act of the Comptroller Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense (2014.01.29)
88廢國防部軍醫局組織條例 (103.01.29)stopOrganization Act of the Medical Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense (2014.01.29)
89廢軍人婚姻條例 (094.12.07)stopAct of Marriage for Military Personnel (2005.12.07)
90廢推動募兵制暫行條例 (110.02.24)stopProvisional Act of Promoting Military Recruitment System (2015.09.30)
91廢海軍服制條例 (096.11.07)stopNavy Uniforms Act (2007.11.07)
92廢陸軍服制條例 (096.11.07)stopUniforms Act of the Army (2007.11.07)
93廢空軍服制條例 (096.11.07)stopAir Force Uniforms Act (2007.11.07)
94廢國防部聯合後勤司令部組織規程 (101.12.30)stopOrganization Regulations of the Combined Logistics Command of the Ministry of National Defense (2012.12.30)
95廢政治作戰學校組織規程 (095.09.28)stopOrganization Regulations of the Fu Hsing Kang College (2006.09.28)
96廢後備動員管理學校組織規程 (103.06.04)stopOrganization Regulations of the Reserve Mobilization and Management School (2014.06.04)
97廢陸軍步兵學校組織規程 (103.06.04)stopOrganization Regulations of the Army Infantry Training Commanding and Infantry School (2014.06.04)
98廢陸軍飛彈砲兵學校組織規程 (103.06.04)stopOrganization Regulations of the Army Missile and Artillery Training Command and Artillery School (2014.06.04)
99廢陸軍裝甲兵學校組織規程 (103.06.04)stopOrganization Regulations of the Army Armor Training Command and Armor School (2014.06.04)
100廢陸軍工兵學校組織規程 (103.06.04)stopOrganization Regulations of the Army Engineering School (2014.06.04)
101廢陸軍通信電子資訊學校組織規程 (103.06.04)stopOrganization Regulations of the Army Engineering School (2014.06.04)
102廢陸軍化學兵學校組織規程 (103.06.04)stopOrganization Regulations for the Army Chemicals School (2014.06.04)
103廢聯合後勤學校組織規程 (103.06.04)stopOrganization Regulations of the Combined Logistics School (2014.06.04)
104廢國防部憲兵司令部組織規程 (101.12.30)stopThe organization regulations of the Military Police Command of the Ministry of National Defense (2012.12.30)
105廢憲兵學校組織規程 (103.06.04)stopThe Military Police School (MPS) Organization Regulations (2014.06.04)
106廢國防部總政治作戰局辦事細則(91.02.27訂定) (097.01.04)stopThe Policy of the General Political Warfare Bureau (2008.01.04)
107廢國防部軍備局辦事細則 (101.12.30)stopThe Bylaw of Armaments Bureau, Ministry of National Defense (2012.12.30)
108廢國防部主計局辦事細則 (101.12.30)stopRegulation of the Comptroller Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense (2012.12.30)
109廢國軍服務作業單位及國軍英雄館管理辦法 (106.06.23)stopNational Armed Forces Service Unit and National Armed Forces Lodge Management Regulations (2017.06.23)
110廢國軍官兵購置住宅貸款基金收支保管及運用辦法 (097.05.02)stopRegulations of Managing and Using the Fund of Housing Loan (1990.05.01)
111廢國軍防制兒童及少年性交易教育宣導辦法 (106.05.17)stopThe Military Educational Publicity Regulations in Prevention of Underage Sex Trades (2017.05.17)