
中華民國國防部 國防法規資料庫


英譯法規 (ENGLISH)

Title: stopOrganization Regulations of the Army Infantry Training Commanding and Infantry School (2014 . 06 . 04 Abolished) Chinese

1. Adopted on December 12, 2001

2. Article 5 and Article 8 amended on October 1, 2004

3. Article 2,Article 5,Article 6 and Article 10 amended on May 22, 2007

4. Article 7 and Article 9 amended; Article 8 deleted on July 14, 2011

5. Abolished on June 4,2014

Article 1
This Regulation is prescribed in accordance with Military Education Regulation, the Nineteenth Clause ,Rule One.

Article 2
Army Infantry School (AIS) is subordinated to the ministry of National Defense (MND),could be authorized to act the founding of the school by Army Command Headquarters ,MND.

Article 3
The objective of the AIS is to train Army officer and sergeant's field infantry, armored infantry, and maintenance speciality.

Article 4
The further education of the AIS is designed in accordance with school's features and policies.

Article 5
The AACS is departmentalized into divisions, centers, and offices, each of which being in charge of the following items ,and divide into groups to wield in purpose.
(1)Academic Section: in charge of enrolment, register, curriculum affairs, teaching materials, student status, and other academic affairs.
(2)Students' Affairs Section: in charge of Psychological counseling, life counseling, health care, extracurricular activities guidance, patriotic education, counseling service, military discipline,ethics and military security.
(3)General Affairs Section: in charge of personnel, logistics, construction, and other general affairs.
(4)Training Division: in charge of training, supervision, evaluation, and enforcement of intelligence and operational training, armored corps garrison training and evaluation, armored corps Base Training and evaluation.
(5)Information Library Center: in charge of collection of teaching research resources, and providing inform service. developing information system and personnel training.
(6)Comptroller Office: in charge of budgeting, general accounting, and statistics.
(7)Operation Research and Development Office: in charge of publishing of Army infantry and armored infantry manning and equipping, doctrines, material research and development, military academic journals, and other operational research developments.
(8)General Instructor Office: in charge of planning lessons and training executing of military training and physical techniques.
Any organizational change or extension for teaching, research, and recruitment could only be made under the ratification of the MND.

Article 6
The AIS consists of Student Brigade, Training and Service Battalion, and Headquarter Company.

Article 7
The AIS has one principal , Major General and in charge of general school affairs. There are one vice principal, one Executive Director and one Director of Political Warfare, all of them are Colonel responsible for assisting the principal in dealing with school affairs.

Article 8

Article 9
The official rank and prescribed number of personnel listed in the Regulation is specified by the Table of Organization.

Article 10
The AIS is not allowed to hire employees after the Regulations executed in May 22,2007.Each of hired employees keep working until out of duty.

Article 11
The Regulation shall be implemented upon its officialization.