
中華民國國防部 國防法規資料庫


英譯法規 (ENGLISH)

Title: Act of Medal of Honor of the Armed Forces (2007 . 07 . 04 Amended) Chinese

1.Decreed Date: June 15, 1931

2.The total of 25 of the Statute were amended and promulgated on September 7, 1937

3.The total of 25 of the Statute were amended and promulgated on May 3, 1952

4.Articles 21 of the Statute were amended and promulgated on May 3, 1952

5.Articles 7,12 of the Statute were amended and promulgated under the President’s order Hua-Tsung-(1)-Tzu No.0246 on January 18,1995.

6.Articles 10 of the Statute were amended and promulgated under the President’s order Hua-Tsung-(1)-Tzu No. 9100128110 on June 26, 2007.

7.Articles 13 of the Statute were amended and promulgated under the President’s order Hua-Tsung-(1)-Tzu No. 9600085841 on July 4, 2007.

Article 1
Military Men currently serving in the Armed Forces or Military Organization, Group,that have an outstanding achievement, outstanding performance, or a special technical skill, should be commended, Unless regulated in other law, commendation will be enforced according to this Act.
Non-Military Men or Non Military Organizations, Groups, that help the Military and have an outstanding performance, or have donated apparatus and commodities to the military, and whose invention or improvements benefit to the military, can also be commended according to this Act.

Article 2
Kinds of Commendations are as follows:
Subparagraph 1 Arm Forces General Medals.
Subparagraph 2 Appreciation Certificate of the Arm Forces.
Subparagraph 3 Military Medals.
Subparagraph 4 Victory Medals.
Subparagraph 5 Certificates.
Subparagraph 6 Merits.
Subparagraph 7 Cash Rewards.
Subparagraph 8 Commendation Award.

Article 3
Arm Forces General Medals are as follows:
Subparagraph 1 Medal of the Armed Forces
Subparagraph 2 Medal of Brilliant Light.
Subparagraph 3 Medal of Victorious Garrison
Subparagraph 4 Medal of Loyaity and Integrity
Subparagraph 5 Medal of the Spirit of Chu

Article 4
Medals of Military Branches are as follows:
Subparagraph 1 Army:
Item 1 Lu Kuang (Army Brilliance, Medal).
Item 2 Chin Ou (Outstanding-service) Medal
Item 3 Hu Pen (Bravery) Medal
Item 4 Pi Liang (Outstanding staff) Medal
Item 5 Chiang Feng (Army Achieve Ment) Medal
Item 6 Pao Hsing (Excellent Efficiency) Medal
Subparagraph 2 Navy
Item 1 Hai Kuang (Naval Brilliance) Medal
Item 2 Hai Kung (Naval Achievement) Medal.
Item 3 Hai Hsun (Naval Merit) Medal.
Item 4 Hai Chi (Naval Distinguished Service) Medal.
Item 5 Hai Feng (Naval Disposition) Medal.
Item 6 Marine Corps Medal.
Subparagraph 3 Air Force:
Item 1 Star Medal.
Item 2 Rising Roc Medal.
Item 3 Flying Dragon Medal.
Item 4 Flying Tiger Medal.
Item 5 Winged Leopard Medal.
Item 6 Rapacious Condor Medal.
Item 7 Vermilion Bow Medal.
Item 8 Awe-inspiring Medal.
Item 9 Distinguished Service Medal.
Item 10 Exemplary Medal.

Article 5
Victory Medals are as follows::
Subparagraph 1 Scholarship Medal.
Subparagraph 2 Marksmanship Medal.
Subparagraph 3 Seamanhsip Medal.
Subparagraph 4 Flying Medal.
Subparagraph 5 Maintenance Medal.
Subparagraph 6 Special Skill Medal.

Article 6
Merits are divided into minor merit and major merit. Accumulating three minor merits is equivalent to one major merit, and accumulating three major merits will be awarded with a Military Medal.

Article 7
Cash Rewards are classified into the followings:
Subparagraph 1 Personal Reward.
Subparagraph 2 Group Reward.
The standard amount of the Reward is determined by the Ministry of National Defense and submitted to the Executive Yuan for approval and announcement.

Article 8
The Commendation is awarded with writing, accumulating three Commendation Awards is equivalent to one minor merit.

Article 9
Military Men of the Armed Forces who have accomplished one of the following incidents will be awarded with an Armed Forces General Medal, Certificate of Appreciation of the Arm Forces or Arm Forces Branches Medal:
Subparagraph 1 Fighting bravery in a battle, and having an achievement.
Subparagraph 2 Performing a special military mission and having an achievement.
Subparagraph 3 Had accomplished in handling a disorder on the right time.
Subparagraph 4 being Injured due to accomplishing a mission or rescuing others.
Subparagraph 5 Having alerted to a subversive (or revolt), discovering a crime, avoiding an accident and having outstanding achievement.
Subparagraph 6 Having returned from the enemy line and having a good record in a battle.
Subparagraph 7 Having invented or improved a weapon or military apparatus which passed the inspection and have a great contribution to the military.
Subparagraph 8 Other hard works in performing their duty and having obtained a excellent records that deserve a an award.

Article 10
Military Men of the Armed Forces who have accomplished one of the following incidents reserve a Victory Award:
Subparagraph 1 Having researched and invented something that can help the military in a battle or military constructions development.
Subparagraph 2 Having participated in all kinds of war skill competitions, and being evaluated with an excellent grades that reached the required standard.
Subparagraph 3 Having participated in all kinds of logistics technical skill competitions, and being evaluated with an excellent grades that reached the required standard.
Subparagraph 4 Having obtained a Doctor Degree in a domestic college or abroad, or Non commissioned Officers having obtained a Master Degree in a domestic college or abroad.
Subparagraph 5 Having written an article (or book) about the National or Defense Military and being evaluated as an excellent work.
Any Military Organization or Group that has an accomplishment described in Subsection-1 to Subsection-3 can be rewarded a certificate of award.

Article 11
Military Men currently serving in the Armed Forces or Military Organization, Group that have one the following accomplishments that are not qualified for a Medal or Certificate of Appreciation, can be awarded with a Certifications, Cash Reward or given a merit commendation:
Subparagraph 1 Having accomplished a mission with an outstanding achievement or performance that worth respected.
Subparagraph 2 Having been evaluated as a good athlete example of all kinds of sports.
Subparagraph 3 Loving and helping civilians with and having a specific outstanding performance that is worth respected.
Subparagraph 4 Excellent records in a Military Inspection, Inspections, and Competition.
Subparagraph 5 Excellent record in the Military Service.
Subparagraph 6 Excellent record after completing a Military Academy Training.
Subparagraph 7 Having work hard in research and development and having an excellent record that passes the evaluation.
Subparagraph 8 Having saved a huge amount of expenses involved in a Military Construction or Military Affair.

Article 12
Non Military Men or Non Military Organizations, Groups that have accomplished one of the followings deserved a commendation:
Subparagraph 1 Having donated funds, commodity or land to the Military for use, in the amount or value of above NT $ 90,000.- (from an individual) or NT $ 300,000.- (from a group).
Subparagraph 2 Having gathered an important information from the enemy and having quickly reported back without wasting time.
Subparagraph 3 Having assisted the military in engaging a war or having helped in an administrative works in the bottle field with an outstanding achievement.
Subparagraph 4 Having captured or assisting in capturing an enemy spy, rebels, or having discovered its organization.
Subparagraph 5 Having invented or improved new weapons or military apparatus and having contributed to the military.
Subparagraph 6 Assisting in producing Military Supplies with an excellent record.
Subparagraph 7 Having helped a Military Project in terms of money and labor that allowed the project to be completed smoothly.
Subparagraph 8 Having helped in the Military Educational works, or having been employed as a teacher in a Military Academy with an excellent record and helping the Military Education to improve.
Subparagraph 9 Having volunteered to participate in rescu from a military disaster, and having obtained a specific achievement.
Subparagraph 10 Other outstanding accomplishments as a result of hard works related to Military tasks.
The above commendations are limited to the award of Arm Forces General Medal, Certificate of Appreciation, Military Rank's Medal, Certification and Cash Reward.
Foreigners that has accomplished the incident described in any of the subsections of Item-1will be awarded accordingly.

Article 13
The authorization and procedures of the commendation of the Military Men currently serving in the Armed Forces are as follows:
1.Generals are approved by the President; The Lieutenant Generals, and below, are approved by each responsible unit where they belonged.
2. The Armed Forces General Medal and the Certificate of Appreciation are approved by the Ministry of National Defense; The Military Branch Medal and the Victory Medal are approved by the Ministry of National Defense or Army Command, Navy Command, Air Force Command, Combined Logistics Command, Reserves Command; Certification and below are approved by the authorized unit where they belonged.
The commendations of the non-Military Men or Non Military Organizations, Groups and Foreigners, are submitted by secondary agencies above organ of center, governments of the special municipality, county/ city government, councilors of the special municipality, county/ city councilors to the Ministry of National Defense.

Article 14
All the orders of commendations must be announced in writing and distributed in a gathering. If the awardees are not present, a proxy can receive the award on their behalf.

Article 15
When a medal is awarded, it should be accompanied with a license. For the same medal, it can be classified or leveled according to its need. or decorated with stars during the next award.

Article 16
For those Officers or Soldiers who are under punishment but are qualified for a commendation, the commendation can be used to cover all or part of their punishment; The remaining can be commended.

Article 17
If an Awardees dies, the approved Medal, Certificate of Appreciation, or the Certification that is not awarded, can be collected by the direct relative or spouse of the deceased.

Article 18
If a medal, license or certification is lost, the owner is allowed to apply for replacement, However, if the original is found, the replacement should be returned and destroyed immediately.

Article 19
The medal is not allowed to be transferred or pawned, if anybody has violated the rules, the medal will be cancelled and the violator will be punished accordingly, Wearing other's medal is also punishable.

Article 20
The Enforcement Regulations are determined by the Ministry of National Defense.

Article 21
The enforcement of this Regulation will take effect on the announcement date.