
中華民國國防部 國防法規資料庫


英譯法規 (ENGLISH)

Title: National Armed Forces' Taking Lessons in camp and Advanced Study Execution Regulations (2001 . 10 . 24 Amended) Chinese

1.Enacted and Promulgated by(Executive Yuan )on(05)(August),(1953)

2.Amended and Promulgated by(Executive Yuan )on(06)(June),(1955)

3.Amended by(Executive Yuan)on(25)(September),(1971)

4.Amended and Promulgated by(Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of education announced and known simultaneously)on(28)(October),(1971)

5.Amended by(Executive Yuan)on(26)(January),(1982)

6.Amended and Promulgated by(Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of education announced and known simultaneously)on(31)(December),(1982)

7.Amended and Promulgated by(Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of education announced and known simultaneously)on(24)(October),(2001)

Chapter 1 General Principles
 Article 1The Regulations is enacted in accordace with Article 7 of Act "Taking Lessons and Advanced Study law" and Article 42 item 4 of the "Execution law of Military services law".
 Article 2The following staff could participate depending on their will in the National Armed Forces' lessons in camp and advanced study classes (hereafter referred to as "Taking Lessons and Advanced Study") :
Subparagraph 1 Officers and men in service in the camp of all unities affiliated of Ministry of National Defense (MND).
Subparagraph 2 The staff who has passed the final achievement exam of the Taking Lessons and Advanced Study before 1999(included), the reserves included.
 Article 3General Political Warfare Bureau of MND establishes Taking Lessons and Advanced Study class (hereafter referred to as "the headquarter of class") in charge of program and execution, and educational administration work could be assigned to military schools or collages.
In all levels of unities of National Armed Forces, while there are officers or men taking part in annual lessons or advanced studies, a branch class of Taking Lessons and Advanced Study (hereafter referred to as "branch class") should be established for being in charge of supervising the staff of Taking Lessons and Advanced Study (hereafter referred to as "learners") to study and to do the homework, as to grade for the performance at ordinary times.
Chapter 2 Arrangement of class and time of courses
 Article 4In MND Education of Taking Lessons in camp (hereafter referred to as "education of taking lessons"), primary school class and middle school class should be established for proceeding of the education. The primary school class should be divided into elementary section and advanced section; the elementary section is equivalent to the first three years of national primary school, the duration of study is from six (6) months to one (1) year. The advanced section is equivalent to the last three years of national primary school; the duration of study is from one (1) year and six (6) months to two (2) years. The middle school class is equivalent to national middle school; the duration of study can't be less than three (3) years.
 Article 5MND Education of Advanced Study (hereafter referred to as "education of advanced study"), should set up the senior high school class, the duration of study is three (3) years.
 Article 6Education of Taking Lessons and Advanced Study should be executed continuously without disturbing normal missions according to learners' military service term. For the learners who could not accomplish the study during service term, they can continue their rest courses with the identity of the reserves.
Chapter 3 Educational administration
 Article 7The education of Taking lessons and advanced study should mainly proceed in camp and complementally Internet teaching, the details are:
Subparagraph 1 Courses in camp: implemented in branch class. The director of each unit should select cadre members well educated in relative courses to be drillmaster, who should assist learners in studying themselves and in doing homework. Each branch class should assemble its learners at least once per month for a seminar of the class. The seminar should not be less than two (2) hours..
Subparagraph 2 Correspondence courses: the headquarters should send every month the homework and the materials to learners according to the monthly progress of each level and each semester. As to learners' part, they should send back the homework done in time and could ask teacher or drillmaster by letter, email, and telephone for their lessons.
Subparagraph 3 Internet courses: the headquarters should announce in proper time the information of educational administration, courses, exam and its answer on the internet page of MND, so that learners could refer and absorb the educational information by internet.
 Article 8The teacher or drillmaster of senior high school class and middle school class should be hired by headquarters from Chung-Chen Armed Force Preparatory school and Senior high of Ground Force; as for the teacher or drillmaster of primary school class, the headquarters should commission primary school teacher. The teachers and drillmasters should be responsible to compile methods, material, and to grade the homework.
 Article 9The materials of middle school class and primary school class should be the textbooks compiled by Ministry of Education, and the headquarters should edit complementally the materials for Correspondence courses.
The materials of senior high school class and of correspondence courses, should be compiled by the relative teachers hired by headquarters in referring to senior high school textbooks.
 Article 10Learners should buy the materials mentioned here above for their study and homework.
Chapter 4 Evaluation
 Article 11The evaluation method should be as followed:
Subparagraph 1 Homework: teachers grade their learners' homework and submit the record to headquarters within two (2) weeks after the deadline of submission of homework. This achievement consists 20% in the total achievement.
Subparagraph 2 Performance of ordinary time: drillmasters grade their learners' performance of ordinary time and situation of counseling. This achievement consists 10% in the total achievement.
Subparagraph 3 Scholastic level examination (exam): This achievement accounts for 70% in the total achievement.
 Article 12For calculating the graduated achievement, the average result of every semester (result of homework and of the ordinary time) consists 30% and the scholastic level exam result consists 70%.
 Article 13To evaluate the performance of execution of education of taking lessons and advanced study, the regulation is as followed:
Subparagraph 1 To be awarded:
Item 1 Constructive effect manifested in conducting the education of taking lessons and advanced study.
Item 2 Constructive effect manifested in handling the affairs of regional exam hall.
Subparagraph 2 To be punished:
Item 1 Preventing affiliated officers and men from assisting in taking lesson and advanced study.
Item 2 Refusing to cooperate or to support to divide classes for taking lesson and advanced study, as to affairs of scholastic level exam hall.
Item 3 Perfunctory assistance to learners' courses in camp, or without reason, neglecting to resolve learners' difficulties of studying.
 Article 14Every branch class should submit to headquarters the achievement of performance of ordinary time forty-five (45) days before the scholastic level exam of every year; every subject of teacher should submit to headquarters the homework achievement thirty (30) days before the scholastic level exam. The headquarters should accomplish the total achievement in thirty (30) days after the scholastic level exam, and inform the result to all branch classes and the attendants of scholastic level exam.
 Article 15Once per year, the headquarters should inspect in every region of scholastic level exam the situation of working jointly for relative exam preparation and should inspect brigade of united forces (other forces comparative) or upper units the situation of executing the work of teaching in camp.
Chapter 5 Management of student status
 Article 16The authorities should inspect the academic certificate of persons signing up for taking lesson and advanced study, director of every unit should be the guarantor of the inspection of qualification.
Every branch class should report the roll of new admission to headquarters by administrative system (see annex 1) so that headquarters could establish the documents of student status.
 Article 17Demobilized learners of more than one (1) year of study, besides of according to the article 6, could continue to take the rest lesson, and also could apply to headquarters to transfer to regular comparative schools of the same level for studying. The achievement in the class could be accounted for the achievement of these schools to be exemption for upgrading.
 Article 18Students with the comparative certificate, after enrollment, could prepare the certificate and performance report of school and then apply to headquarters to transfer into the class by administration of the unit; besides the homework exemption of the subjects qualified, they could sign up for the scholastic level exam after accomplish other subjects.
 Article 19While learners could not submit the homework on time, they should prepare relative proof and then apply for late submission to the teacher of such subject.
Chapter 6 Scholastic level examination
 Article 20The scholastic level exam should be held on in May every year, it could be delayed or advanced while it is required.
 Article 21The scholastic level exam should be held on separately in regions (See annex 2 for division of regions).
 Article 22To deal with scholastic level exam, it should be composed a committee of scholastic level exam:
Subparagraph 1 The Committee of scholastic level exam should be by the headquarters and should set one (1) Chairman and one (1) vice chairman. The director of General Political Warfare Bureau of MND serves concurrently as chairman; the deputy director who is concurrently executive officer serves concurrently as vice chairman. The headquarters would select Three (3) to five (5) members of
Subparagraph 2 committee.The Committee of scholastic level exam should set a secretariat for dealing with exam affairs. Besides one (1) secretary, the following sections should be set:
Item 1 Section of exam: for formulating questions and seal the test paper
Item 2 Section of inspection: for inspecting in exam hall
Item 3 Section of general affairs: for announcement of newspaper and other general affairs.
 Article 23The persons qualified as following items could participate the scholastic level exam:
Subparagraph 1Passed the exam of "Nation Armed forces taking lessons in camp and advanced study" of the year earlier than 1999(included), and received the certificate of graduation.
Subparagraph 2Passed other exam and received the certificate of taking lessons and advanced study, and transfer into taking lesson and advanced study because of the military service.
 Article 24The subjects of Scholastic level exam are as hereafter:
Subparagraph 1 The class of primary school: Mandarin, mathematics, society and nature-science
Subparagraph 2 The class of middle school: Chinese, the English, mathematics, history and geography, nature-science (physical-chemistry)
Subparagraph 3 The class of senior high school: Chinese, the English, mathematics, society (includes the Three People's Principles, citizenship), history and geography, nature-science (includes biology, chemistry, physics)
 Article 25The regulation of formulating questions and of grading is as followed:
Subparagraph 1 The range of formulation for middle school class and primary school class should be limited in the teaching material compiled for continuation school by Ministry of Education and the Correspondence course teaching materials compiled by the headquarters. As for senior high school class, the range should be limited in material and exam collection compiled by the teacher hired. For proceeding of the formulation of questions, the regulation should be standardized separately.
Subparagraph 2 60 points are required in order to pass every subject.
 Article 26The learners registered in the roll of the headquarters are exempted from formality of admission; the other attendants should sign up for exam by communication, the formality is as followed:
Subparagraph 1 Filling the form themselves in handwriting (the form is as annex 3)
Subparagraph 2 Hand over three (3) pictures sized in one (1) inch, without hat
Subparagraph 3 Military ID card copied in positive and negative sides (the reserves use ID card).
Subparagraph 4 The positive side copy of the certificate of graduation of the exam of "Nation Armed forces Taking Lessons in camp and Advanced Study" of the year earlier than 1999(included).
Chapter 7 Authorization and anagement of Certificate
 Article 27The headquarters should issue the certificate of graduation to learners who accomplished the study of all subjects of all levels and passed the scholastic level exam. (see the form as annex 4).
 Article 28In case of certificate lost, it should ask the headquarters for the application form of certificate lost (see the form as annex 5) or download it directly from page of MND. After filling the form, it should propose reissuing to the headquarters (the testimonial form is as annex 6). The formality is as followed:Subparagraph 1 Filling the application form of certificate lost, two (2) copies Subparagraph 2 Announcement on newspaper which indicates the reason of losing, ID card copy on positive and negative sides and three (3) pictures sized in one (1) inch, without hatBefore the modification of the regulation here said, the certificate of graduation or qualification issued according to the "National Armed forces' Taking Lessons in camp regulation" can be also applied for reissuing in following the rules of here above (the forms of losing and of reissuing are as annex 7 and annex 8).
 Article 29Assuming others' certificate of graduation of taking lesson and advanced study, certificate of qualification or scholastic certificate of graduation or relative documents, as to falsify or to forge documents, could cause legislative investigation and accusation.
 Article 30The rules of executing the Scholastic level examination of taking lesson and advanced study should be standardized separately by MND.
 Article 31The regulation here said should be executive from the day of announcement.