
中華民國國防部 國防法規資料庫


英譯法規 (ENGLISH)

Title: Regulations Governing the Types & Sizes of Buildings Innovated from Old Quarters for Military Dependents (1997 . 09 . 10 Announced) Chinese

1.Enacted and promulgated by the Ministry of National Defense on September 10, 1997.

Article 1
These Regulations are duly enacted in accordance with Article 16, Paragraph 3 of the Act for Statute Governing Reconstruction of Old Military Dependents' Villages.

Article 2
The types and sizes of the buildings allocated with payment or sold shall be calculated only for the interior spaces for own use and exclude the spaces in common use and the spaces of verandas, as classified as follows:
Subparagraph (1) 34-ping units shall be allocated with payment to current general-rank military dependents. (1 ping = 3.3 M2 = 36 ft2)
Subparagraph (2) 30-ping units shall be allocated with payment to current colonel~major rank military dependents..
Subparagraph (3) 28-ping units shall be allocated with payment to current non-commissioned officer (NCO) rank military dependents
Subparagraph (4) 26-ping units shall be sold to current illegal occupants.
Subparagraph (5) 12-ping units shall be allocated with payment (sold) to homeless ones among the four aforementioned categories.
The house sizes of the aforementioned types may be subject to increase/decrease within 2%.

Article 3
The types and sizes of houses to be sold to medium and low income households shall be determined by the Ministry of National Defense in accordance with the demands of the local government.

Article 4
A military serviceman in the rank of junior officer, NCO or colonel - major may, at his own expense, purchase building of one higher level. The serviceman shall solely pay the additional cost so incurred himself and shall not be entitled to the subsidy (compensation) from the Renovation Fund and preferential loan .

Article 5
These Regulations come into enforcement upon the date of promulgation.