
中華民國國防部 國防法規資料庫


英譯法規 (ENGLISH)

Title: The Guidelines On Rewards For Informants Of La Fayette Frigate Procurement Commission Corruption (2005 . 11 . 09 Announced) Chinese

1.Enacted and promulgated by the Ministry of National Defense on November 9, 2005

Article 1
These guidelines are established for rewarding NT$100,000,000 dollars sponsored by government to informants or clue providers to civilian or military judicature on promptly cracking La Fayette Frigate procurement commission corruption.

Article 2
Informants or clue providers informing the investigating agency before the suspect is known, which makes the suspect found, shall be rewarded after the suspect is convicted by civilian or military courts.

Article 3
Informants or clue providers, foreigner or citizen, shall be rewarded by the Ministry of National Defense, up to NT$100,000,000, depends on the importance of information or clue provided.

Article 4
Informants or clue providers, whose informing resulting a conviction judgment, shall receive 1/3 of the rewards. After the conviction is affirmed by court, the informant shall receive the remaining rewards.

Article 5
Joint informants or clue providers, entitled to be rewarded by these guidelines, shall share the rewards equally.

Article 6
When several persons consecutively inform the authority of the same information, the rewards shall be granted to the informant who first provides solid evidence. If the evidence provided by the remaining informants is also very helpful in cracking the case, the remaining informants may also receive by portion within the remaining of rewards of NT$100,000,000 after granting to the first informant.
If the informant of the same information described in the preceding paragraph whose order of seniority cannot be established, the rewards shall be shared equally.

Article 7
A person who informs the authority of the La Fayette Frigate procurement commission corruption, shall provide the following information in writing:
(1)the informant's name, gender, date of birth, the ID number or passport number, the address of residence or domicile, the serving agency, school, organization and the accused's name or distinct characteristics;
(2)the facts of La Fayette Frigate procurement commission corruption;
(3)the evidentiary information.
The information provided by the informant shall be in writing and signed, affixed the seal or fingerprinted by the informant. However, the informant may provide the required information orally in case of emergency.
The informed agency shall transform the informant's oral statement into a written deposition. The written deposition shall be signed, affixed the seal or fingerprinted by the informant. When a person who informs the authority by phone, the informed agency shall summon the informant to a designated place to make a written deposition.
A person who informs the authority anonymously or without giving its real name, or fails to provide any solid evidence of corruption, or refuses to make a written deposition, shall not receive any reward.

Article 8
The informed agency shall keep in confidence the name, age, residence, domicile and other personal information of the informant and its complaint. The personal safety of the informant shall be protected.

Article 9
The informed agency shall grant the rewards to the informant after submitting indictment, judgment and relevant information to the Ministry of National Defense for approval of rewards without initiating the rewards request from the informant. The informant or clue provider could also initiate the reward request to the informed agency after a conviction judgment.

Article 10
The Ministry of National Defense may establish the Review Commission for reward approval.
The commission described in proceeding paragraph shall be convened for the reward approval and composed by representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Secretariat and Ministry of Finance of Executive Yuan, the Supreme Court Prosecutors Office, National Bar Association and relevant agencies of the Ministry of National Defense. The official in charge shall be present for specification if necessary.

Article 11
The informed agency shall notify the informants or clue providers for rewarding after the reward has been apportioned by the Ministry of National Defense.
If a informant who is entitled to the rewards dies before receiving the rewards, his or her heir may request for the rewards pursuant to the provisions set forth in Civil Code.

Article 12
The civilian or military prosecutor, police, police officer or relevant personnel of government branches, foreign or native, involved in the investigation of this corruption shall not be granted reward if it is the informant in the same time.

Article 13
If a judgment of not guilty is made or if a informant who falsely accuses another of committing La Fayette Frigate procurement commission corruption and the informant is convicted by court of a false accusation offense and affirmed, the rewards granted to the informant shall be recovered by the rewards granting agency.
If the informant receiving the rewards dies, the rewards granting agency is entitled to recover the rewards from the informant's heir

Article 14
The informant, civilian or military, if convicted of La Fayette Frigate procurement commission corruption, whose sentence is not exempted by Witness Protection Act by civilian or military court, will be recommended to the President via Executive Yuan by Ministry of Justice or Ministry of National Defense for special pardon to be exempted from execution of penalty.

Article 15
The rewards of these guidelines shall be funded by relevant budget proposed by the Ministry of National Defense and approved by Executive Yuan.